Tuesday, January 19, 2010


G is the sweetest ever 2nd grade sister of one of my students. I heart her so much. She has this really curly blond hair and the cutest smile ever. She says the nicest, cutest, and funniest things to me. Such as:

*Miss Ritchie, you're so pretty, you should be on a Christmas card (isn't that a line from Elf!?)
*When I have my first baby, I think I'll name her Bailey.
*I wish my parents would go out of town and you could be our babysitter while they are gone.
*Once, my brother landed his helicopter in my hair and when my dad pulled it out, he ripped a 2-centimeter junk out of my hair!!!!
*I wish that we could move to Hollywood together and make a show where we told jokes and sang songs and then signed autographs all day.
*She told me she cried when she heard "My Life Would Suck Without You" by Kelly Clarkson on the radio. Then she said to me, "Miss Ritchie, my life would suck without YOU!"

She also sings a song to me almost every time I see her. It goes a little like this...
"Miss Ritchie is so awesome, Miss Ritchie is so cool, come on Miss Ritchie, let's rock and roll!"

I want six just like her someday...

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